It looks like Zynga wants us to spend all the extra Reel we have just sitting in our accounts. For a limited time you can buy a loot item called the Informant from the Brazil City Store.
From Brazil, go to your Inventory Page and open the "City Store" tab. The Informant is located in the last slot of the Armor Section. The Informant will vary in price depending on which level of the Abelha Helicopter you own.
My A Helicopter is at the Ruby Level and my Informant costs BRL$2,700,000. The regular price of the Informant is BRL$3,000,000.
I'm not going to waste my Brazil Real on this item as it won't help my stats at all. Zynga fails to realize that anybody with extra Real sitting in the bank probably is maxed out on fighting loot. The item is not giftable so there is no incentive to buy it (unless you are a collector).
We at the Informant Podcast are very honored that Zynga has named a loot item after us. We know they listen to us as things we complain about on the show sometimes get fixed the next day. This has happened one more than one occasion. If Zynga would answer questions to the standards that we set then we would ask a representative to be a guest.