The Declare War feature is still the same but the loot items, achievements and the time intervals between when we can declare the next war have changed. If go to your War Page, you will see a little question mark that list the 2nd tier War Rewards.
The next page contains the Warlord achievements. There are two new current achievements, and 12 are "Coming Soon". The third achievement will unlock when the second one is achieved.
Here are the 3rd tier War loot items needed for the Warlord 3 achievement. Thanks to Tom Hughes for the screen shot.
The two new achievements are also listed on your achievement page.
The new War feature is on an 8 timer instead of a 16 hour one.
If you declare war and win, you get two loot items. If you help in a war, you get one.
If you help in a war, you get one.
Just like with the old feature, you can still only collect 5 loot items for helping in wars a day. Some players are lucky and don't have a cap on how many they can collect in a day.
I did show you an image earlier today of how we will request help in future wars (1). This has yet to be implemented but probably will be soon.