A few posts down, I posted five separate 30K+ robbing runs (1). I noted that on two of them there was an unusual amount of specific FHEL5 items and couldn't figure out why. Eike made a post on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page, asking players if they have noticed a "special behavior" in robbing in which the same item is rewarded many times in a row. I reviewed my robbing runs and sure enough there was one item that dropped way more frequently than all the others. Many others verified this finding as well. There is no way to exploit this as it's luck of the draw on which item gets caught in the loop.
Either the Zynga Gods are with you.
Or they are against you.
Until Zynga corrects the issue, it may not be a bad idea to utilize your stamina robbing. Many players have already maxed on FHEL5 because of this. Check out Hai's (one of the awesome Mafia Wars Gods!) FHEL5 items. This stuff has only been out a few days now.