11 Apr 2011

How To Make Facebook Chat Work Properly!

I'm sure most of you , just like me, are sick of the facebook chat loading up on every single frikken page or just not staying popped out when you have it open in its own window. Half the time you're in the middle of a sentence and boom, it closes on you!

Well here's an easy fix to bring some sanity back into your life..

Bookmark this -> Facebook | Chat (Or Drag It To Your Bookmarks/Links)

Firefox Users:
You can even have it open the chat in the sidebar! Just right click the bookmark you made and go to properties, then check the box that says "Load this bookmark in the sidebar", and there you go, you're own chat that works how they probably intended and is visible to you all the time. (I recommended you download the All-In-One Sidebar Extension which allows you to manipulate your sidebar to your liking) Otherwise just load it up in its own Tab/Window which works just fine.

Chrome/Chromium/Flock Users:
For users without the ability to load a page into a sidebar just open up a new Tab/ Window and load your bookmark from above! It may not always be visible, but it works much better than that annoying chat-bar!

Now just doing the above works 95% of the time, but the more windows/tabs you open the more of a chance the chat will pop back into the active window and disable the chat you actually want to use. But there is an easy fix for this. There are plugins to remove the chat-bar, but not disable its functionality. So you can sill use it either in a window/tab or through an external chat program.

Firefox users first need to download greasemonkey, and then you can install this script.

Chrome/Chromium/Flock users just need to install this extension.

And there you go, now you have a chat that isn't bogging down EVERY PAGE and won't just DISAPPEAR MID-SENTENCE ON YOU!!